Balancing Sweetness: Manuka Honey in Diabetic-Friendly Diets

Balancing Sweetness: Manuka Honey in Diabetic-Friendly Diets
Krista Bugden

Krista Bugden

9 minutes

Executive Summary:

  • Manuka honey boasts a dense nutrient profile that supports immune response and overall wellness.
  • The lower glycemic index of Manuka honey compared to table sugar makes it a healthier alternative in a diabetic diet—when used in moderation.
  • Scientific trials and studies indicate that Manuka honey may support diabetic patients by enhancing their immune response, lowering blood glucose levels, reducing inflammation, reversing oxidative damage of the pancreas, and providing sustained energy release.
  • There are various simple ways to include Manuka honey in a healthy lifestyle—adding it to high-protein snacks and taking it as a pre-workout snack are just two.
  • Manuka honey should be included in a diabetic diet only in agreement with a medical professional.
Aspect Details
Glycemic Index
Lower than table sugar, helping to manage blood sugar levels.
Contains MGO and antioxidants, supporting immune health and reducing inflammation.
Benefits for Diabetics
Enhances immune response, supports wound healing, and aids in digestion.
Usage Tips
Use in moderation, monitor blood sugar, pair with protein-rich foods for blood sugar stability.
Preferable to artificial sweeteners due to natural health benefits, unlike calorie-free options like stevia.

Manuka Honey in Diets: Sweetness for Diabetics

Diabetes is a challenging disease marked by sacrifice. Careful monitoring of meals and blood sugar levels is a normal part of everyday life and often a burden. Enjoying a sweet treat is usually impossible—or not worth the risk—without serious consequences.

So, it’s surprising to discover that Manuka honey may be a beneficial food in a diabetic diet. Its unique chemistry and wealth of nutrients support wellness—without causing havoc with blood sugar levels. So, let’s take a closer look.

Understanding Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is unlike any other. It is harvested in the lush Manuka Tea Tree forests in New Zealand and originates from nectar filled with beneficial nutrients—nutrients you don’t find in regular honey. 

Among other nutrients, Manuka honey contains:

  • Methylglyoxal (MGO)—a proven antibacterial and antifungal compound that provides natural immune support
  • A variety of antioxidants like Leptosperin, which is unique to Manuka honey. Antioxidants support cellular health and combat inflammation in the body.
  • Oligosaccharides and other nutrients support gut health by aiding digestion and the absorption of nutrients. 

The nutrients in Manuka honey provide a welcome wellness boost when added to a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. They support the natural immune response and aid digestion. Now, that's a superfood we can get behind.

Understanding the Glycemic Index of Manuka Honey

What is the Glycemic Index (GI)?

The Glycemic Index (GI) ranks foods based on how quickly they raise blood sugar levels after consumption. For people with diabetes, understanding the GI of foods is crucial in managing blood sugar levels and preventing spikes that can lead to complications.

Manuka Honey’s Glycemic Index

Manuka honey has a lower glycemic index than regular sugar and other sweeteners. This means it releases sugar into the bloodstream more slowly, causing a more gradual rise in blood glucose levels. While it's still important to consume Manuka honey in moderation, its lower GI makes it a potentially better option for those looking to manage their blood sugar levels.

How Manuka Honey Affects Blood Sugar Levels

The body metabolizes Manuka honey differently than processed sugars, thanks to its natural sugars and unique compounds like MGO (methylglyoxal). Research suggests that these natural components can have a less pronounced impact on blood sugar levels, making it a suitable alternative for those with diabetes. However, monitoring blood sugar levels and consulting with a healthcare provider when incorporating it into your diet is essential.

Manuka Honey and Diabetic Diets

Did you know that even though its taste is sweeter, Manuka honey has a lower glycemic index than table sugar? Manuka honey’s GI is around 55, while table sugar is around 60.

Natural honey raises blood sugar levels more slowly due to its ratio of fructose to glucose. Fructose is absorbed more slowly in your digestive tract, sustaining the overall energy release. Coupled with its wellness benefits, Manuka honey is a preferred candidate for a sweetener in a diabetic-friendly diet.

To benefit from its natural goodness while monitoring your blood sugar, it’s essential to enjoy Manuka honey in moderation. It’s a high carbohydrate food, so even with sustained energy release, it will increase your blood sugar. 

Scientific Backing and Recommendations

It may seem too good to be true, but science agrees—enjoyed responsibly, Manuka honey may be a healthy part of a diabetic diet. So, let’s take a closer look at the latest promising research for diabetics.

Manuka Honey Supports Immune Health and Wellness

Health and wellness is a top priority, especially if you suffer from diabetes. This is especially true since illness can create havoc with blood sugar levels and potentially lead to diabetic complications. But here’s the good news: Manuka honey’s beneficial nutrients can support your overall health and wellness.

Manuka honey offers a trio of benefits: it's a natural source of energy and antioxidants, contains nutrients to support a healthy immune response, and aids in optimal digestive health. 

Potential Benefits of Manuka Honey for Diabetics

Wound Healing Properties

One of the well-known benefits of Manuka honey is its exceptional wound-healing properties. For diabetics, who are often prone to slow-healing wounds and infections, Manuka honey's antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects can be particularly beneficial. Applying Manuka honey to wounds can promote faster healing and reduce the risk of infections, a critical consideration for those managing diabetes.

Antioxidant Effects

Manuka honey is rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a significant concern for people with diabetes, as it can contribute to complications such as heart disease and neuropathy. The antioxidants in Manuka honey can help neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative damage and supporting overall health.

Supporting Digestive Health

Gut health plays a crucial role in managing diabetes, and Manuka honey can be a valuable ally in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Its prebiotic properties promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can aid in digestion and improve metabolic health. A healthy gut is essential for better blood sugar control and overall well-being in diabetics.

Manuka Honey Supports Insulin Response and Appetite Control

Studies involving non-diabetic and diabetic people confirm that natural honey, like Manukora’s Manuka honey, supports regular blood glucose levels. This is especially helpful for patients suffering from type 2 diabetes, which can be controlled by lifestyle changes and a healthy diet.

The high fructose concentration in Manuka honey supports a healthy body weight by positively impacting appetite control. It helps you feel full for longer, which reduces your calorie intake. This benefit helps manage type 2 diabetes and reduces the risk of developing diabetes in non-sufferers.

The Antioxidants in Honey Support Pancreatic Health

One of the most exciting results of including Manuka honey in your diet is the impact its beneficial nutrients may have on your organ systems. 

The high concentration of antioxidants in Manuka honey, like Leptosperin, may reverse oxidative stress (cellular damage) in the body and support the body’s natural inflammatory responses. This can help maintain the overall health of your organs—including your pancreas, where insulin is produced. 

While further studies are necessary, the current and past studies on Manuka honey’s powerful nutrients are promising.

Incorporating Manuka honey into your daily routine can be a simple yet effective way to support your overall well-being. By following these practical tips, you can ensure that you're making the most of Manuka honey's goodness while maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Practical Tips on Incorporating Manuka Honey

To enjoy the goodness of Manuka honey, consider these simple tips:

  • Moderation is key. A single teaspoon a day is sufficient to enjoy the health benefits of the nutrients in Manuka honey.
  • Pair Authentic Manuka honey with a high-protein food to further stabilize your blood sugar levels. Manukora’s Manuka honey is deliciously enjoyed with nuts, in a protein-based smoothie, sugar-free peanut butter, or even drizzled as a sweet addition to your favorite cut of meat (after it’s cooked).
  • Count your portion of honey as part of your calorie intake to avoid overindulging.
  • Move your body after enjoying Manuka honey—it makes a great pre-workout (or pre-walk) snack.
  • Monitor your blood sugar carefully to understand how your body responds to Manuka honey—everyone is unique.

Comparing Manuka Honey with Other Natural Sweeteners for Diabetics

Manuka Honey vs. Artificial Sweeteners

While artificial sweeteners like aspartame or sucralose are often used as sugar substitutes in diabetic diets, they lack the natural benefits of Manuka honey. Manuka honey not only provides sweetness but also offers antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. These health benefits make it a more wholesome choice compared to synthetic alternatives.

Manuka Honey vs. Other Natural Sweeteners

Compared to other natural sweeteners such as stevia, agave syrup, and maple syrup, Manuka honey stands out due to its unique composition and health benefits. While stevia is calorie-free and agave syrup has a low glycemic index, neither offers the same wound-healing and immune-boosting properties as Manuka honey. For those with diabetes, Manuka honey can be a versatile and beneficial addition to their diet when used in moderation.

Incorporating Manuka Honey into a Diabetic-Friendly Diet

Portion Control and Moderation

Even though Manuka honey has a lower glycemic index, it is still important for diabetics to consume it in moderation. Limiting the portion size to a small amount and monitoring blood sugar levels after consumption is crucial to ensuring that it fits within a diabetic diet without causing spikes in glucose levels.

Recipe Ideas

Incorporating Manuka honey into your diet can be done easily with a few diabetic-friendly recipes:

  • Manuka Honey and Cinnamon Smoothie: A delicious and healthy smoothie made with unsweetened almond milk, a teaspoon of Manuka honey, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
  • Manuka Honey Vinaigrette: For a healthy salad dressing, Mix Manuka honey with olive oil, lemon juice, and Dijon mustard.
  • Manuka Honey Yogurt Dip: Combine a small amount of Manuka honey with Greek yogurt and a dash of vanilla extract for a sweet yet healthy dip for fruits.

Daily Usage Tips

To incorporate Manuka honey into a diabetic diet safely:

  • Use it as a natural sweetener in teas or smoothies instead of sugar.
  • Pair Manuka honey with high-fiber foods to help moderate blood sugar levels.
  • Add a small amount to oatmeal or whole-grain toast for a balanced breakfast.

Manuka in Moderation: A Diabetic’s Ally

Manuka honey may support the health and wellness of those suffering from diabetes. Its dense nutrient profile provides benefits that outshine the empty calories of table sugar, and its lower glycemic index makes it a preferred choice as a natural sweetener.

According to scientific studies, the compounds found in Manuka honey may further support the body in various ways, helping to maintain regular blood glucose levels. So, go ahead: Enjoy Manuka honey in moderation as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle!

However, if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, we always recommend checking with your physician before adding a new source of glucose to your regular diet.


The glycaemic index of Manuka honey - ResearchGate

What is the Glycemic Index of sugar? - Sugar Nutrition Resource

The glycemic and peak incremental indices of honey, sucrose and glucose in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus: effects on C-peptide level-a pilot study - Pubmed

The role of gut microbiota in immune homeostasis and autoimmunity - Pubmed

Effect of honey versus sucrose on appetite, appetite-regulating hormones, and postmeal thermogenesis - Pubmed

Pancreatic regenerative potential of manuka honey evidenced through pancreatic histology and levels of transcription factors in diabetic rat model - Science Direct

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